Thursday, December 25, 2014

What it all comes down to...

This psot wont be a video. sorry for all of those who are so used to it. (also I have already fixed five spelling errors in that one sentence so forgive me if there are more)

I wanted to try and keep the Spirit of Christmas and give it a peace that I have ot given anything else on my blog.

Today we celebrated the birth of a baby boy born over 2,000 years ago. There are many out there that think that this whole story cant be true, and honestly in the society that we live in its hard to believe otherwise. But thats the crazy thing about the thr truth. To quote my favorite musical "In a world where disception and lies are worshiped and adored. When an old man comes in telling the truth it is easier to write him off as crazy than to consider for a moment that it could be possilbe or true,"

I KNOW this event happened! I know there were Angels that anounced his birth and I know that there were wisemen the set out to follow a star and to seek him. I know that meraculous things happened that night because the greatest thing to ever happen on the earth was to happen because of this baby's birth.This baby came to earth to die. Thats it. His whole purpose in life was to come to die for you and for me. He lived as the example to what we should be and then when the time came he gave his life as a sacrifice for our sins,

He did not come to die for all of us but for each of us individually. He sacrificed so much more than we could ever imagine for me and for you individually. Becuase of this He saved our lives and he continues to. If we want or are in need of help he is there to save us again and again. His death will nt be for not if we dont allow it to be.


What will you give???

Monday, December 15, 2014

You will get there..

..When you are ment to get there.
Sp relax and be patient.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

We all have our days when we feel like we can't survive...

... Sometimes dreams are shattered, 
Friendships fall apart. 
Loved one's may hurt us.
 Finances may worry us.
Sickness may overtake us.

We may even loss people we love.
But God will ALWAYS be there
to guide us 
even through our toughest times.
 Never lose FAITH.
Hold on to HOPE.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

When you learn how much you're worth...

,,,you'll stop giving others discounts

Child of God Lyrics

Perfect pictures on the wall
from magazines 
what do they mean?
to me?

Painted faces in the mirror
look back at me.
they try and tell me 
who I should be.

The world is caving in
I can't begin
to tell you
who I am

The World needs you 
to be you.
It doesnt need another 
cookie cutter 
diva from a jar.

The world needs you 
to be true,
to the princess
that you are!

You'll go so far.
when you remember 
who you are! 
Child of God.

I search the scriptures everyday
So I can see
who the Lord needs me
to be

The Spirit tells me how to act
in word and deed
so he can show me
who I should be

The lord is standing there 
i cant compare 
to who I used to be.

The World needs you 
to be you.
It doesnt need another 
cookie cutter 
diva from a jar.

The world needs you 
to be true,
to the princess
that you are!

You'll go so far.
when you remember 
who you are! 
Child of God.

The world cant give you
second chances
only second glances.
So we need to turn
to the one who set us free.

The World needs you 
to be you.
It doesnt need another 
cookie cutter 
diva from a jar.

The world needs you 
to be true,
to the princess
that you are!

You'll go so far.
when you remember 
who you are! 
Child of God.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

You Are Not The Mistakes You Have Made!

For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Luke 1:37

....this inculdes Forgivness for our sins.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

In Order To Succeed...

...Your Desire For Success Should Be Greater Than Your Fear Of Failure! 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

No matter what your past has been...

...You have a spotless future!

Happy Halloween!!! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Key is This...

,,, meet today's problems with today's strength...
...Don't start to tackle tomorrow's problems until tomorrow
you don't have tomorrow's strength yet...
,,,You simply have enough for Today!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

God sometimes takes us into troubled waters...

...Not to drown us but to cleans us.
Here is an experiance I had while I have been working on one oof my 25 things. Its been a great experiance!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Being Happy...

... Is a daily practice
 OK this one was alot of fun!
This is my cover of Colbie Caillat's Try.
Thanks Jennir for all your help I couldnt do it with out you!

I dedicate this one to My best friend Tiffany Happy late birthday gil!!

And now for the Bloopers!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Faith Is...

... The light that leadsus through the deepest fog.

So I love the temple and going to the temple. After the Ogden Temple dedication this last sunday I felt that this was the oppropriate video for the week.

Sorry its late. I had somethinge else planned then realized this needed to be my next video and it took me days to figure out what exctly would be the best way to portray this.

I love the temple and the peace that It brings to my life. 

I am so excited to spend so much time in so many of the Lords houses this year! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Difficult Roads...

,,,Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

Sometimes it can be hard to Handle what life has in store for you That was pretty much my story this last week. I have a dear friend going through some tough things and it was really affecting me. So I decided to cancle some plans that I had with her a take a night aout aand focus on me and I;m so glad that I did. I had a blast spending time with some other friends and I got to enjoy a sweeto Bareeto which was super yummy! all In all agreat way to end my week.

Here is the video 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Take A Chance...

...Because you never know how absolutly great somethingcan turn out to be!
Ok after a week of being sick here is one of my favorite goals that I have set! I am so excited to do this one!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

My 25 things

Sorry its inda a long video and I might ramble but here are the 25 things that I will be doing over the next year!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

What is MY25

What is My25? Watch this video and find out!

Hopefully this blog will get to looking better through out the year! I'm so excited for this adventure!