Sunday, September 28, 2014

Being Happy...

... Is a daily practice
 OK this one was alot of fun!
This is my cover of Colbie Caillat's Try.
Thanks Jennir for all your help I couldnt do it with out you!

I dedicate this one to My best friend Tiffany Happy late birthday gil!!

And now for the Bloopers!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Faith Is...

... The light that leadsus through the deepest fog.

So I love the temple and going to the temple. After the Ogden Temple dedication this last sunday I felt that this was the oppropriate video for the week.

Sorry its late. I had somethinge else planned then realized this needed to be my next video and it took me days to figure out what exctly would be the best way to portray this.

I love the temple and the peace that It brings to my life. 

I am so excited to spend so much time in so many of the Lords houses this year! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Difficult Roads...

,,,Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

Sometimes it can be hard to Handle what life has in store for you That was pretty much my story this last week. I have a dear friend going through some tough things and it was really affecting me. So I decided to cancle some plans that I had with her a take a night aout aand focus on me and I;m so glad that I did. I had a blast spending time with some other friends and I got to enjoy a sweeto Bareeto which was super yummy! all In all agreat way to end my week.

Here is the video 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Take A Chance...

...Because you never know how absolutly great somethingcan turn out to be!
Ok after a week of being sick here is one of my favorite goals that I have set! I am so excited to do this one!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

My 25 things

Sorry its inda a long video and I might ramble but here are the 25 things that I will be doing over the next year!